well, because this topic is menstruation, that "sticky white stuff" is vaginal discharge
The sticky substance, called the stigma, plays a crucial role in plant reproduction. It helps in capturing pollen grains that are brought to it by insects or wind, enabling pollination to occur. This is necessary for fertilization and the production of seeds and fruit.
The white stuff found in the middle of an apple is called the core.
The white stuff found in an apple core is called pectin. It is safe to eat and is actually a type of dietary fiber that can be beneficial for digestion.
The white stuff found in the core of an apple is called the apple core or pith. It is the central part of the apple that contains seeds and is surrounded by the flesh of the fruit.
The sticky organic substance exuded by pine and fir trees is called resin. Resin helps to protect the trees from insects and pathogens, as well as seal wounds and prevent moisture loss.
The whitefly could be the cause of the white, sticky stuff on the kumquat leaves. The white substance is called flocculent.
You should wash them!
This 'white sticky stuff' must not be the discharge leading to menstruation, Unless you have touched that area, then your face. That white stuff could be flem, or grinding your teeth. If it is menstruation discharge, it is perfectly normal, and happens to everyone. It is a sign of puberty, heading towards menstruation. Hope I helped you.
no it means you r going to have a period soon
Glue is white because the sticky stuff in it made it turn white, even though some glue is purple.
Because the ingredients make it that way.
it will probably last for a couple of days or hours
If it is on the backside of a female, it is just part of her natural cycle. It means she is ready to mate.
The sticky stuff inside balloons is called balloon lubricant or powder. It helps prevent the sides of the balloon from sticking together or to itself when inflated, making it easier to inflate the balloon.
the sticky stuff on a band aid is made of elements that you can find on the periodic table of elements. search for it. it will give you something to do!
No, but you need allot of sticky stuff -really sticky- and a careless mom. (And no I have not done it)
it has slamy stuff and and its sticky