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well, because this topic is menstruation, that "sticky white stuff" is vaginal discharge

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

It could be a variety of substances, such as glue, paste, or even a bodily fluid. Further context would be needed to provide a more specific answer.

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Q: What is that sticky white stuff?
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This 'white sticky stuff' must not be the discharge leading to menstruation, Unless you have touched that area, then your face. That white stuff could be flem, or grinding your teeth. If it is menstruation discharge, it is perfectly normal, and happens to everyone. It is a sign of puberty, heading towards menstruation. Hope I helped you.

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No, but you need allot of sticky stuff -really sticky- and a careless mom. (And no I have not done it)

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