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text plus is an texting app that you dont have to pay bills for it is for free dumb asz

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Q: What is text plus?
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Related questions

Does Matty B have text plus?

No maddyb does not have text plus cause there is a way to look up who has text plus and he is not on the list

Do you need Internet to use text plus?

Yes. You will need internet to text using text plus.

Is text plus only for the iPhone?

Text Plus is for the iPhone and the iPod Touch.

Can you get text plus an android?

Yes, text+ is available over Android search for text plus app on android.

Does Demi Lovato have a text plus?

No Demi lovato does not have a text plus everyone on there pretend to be her but it's not her

Why doesnt my text plus have 956 option in the area code?

Contact Text Plus technical support.

What is the difference of text plus gold and text plus silver?

Text Plus gold Cost: 4.99$ No adds Choose your preferred phone number. Text Plus silver Cost: 0.99$ Adds, but can be removed for a cost of 2.99$ A random number is given to you. (But does it really matter) So text plus silver is cheaper if you don't mind being given any number. But Text plus gold might be on sale. Make sure to check.

How do you make text plus make a noise when you get a text from someone?

Go to settings, notifications and then click text plus and it will say sounds, alert & badges and click all 3 of them on

Can you trace a text plus number?


Do you have to have an app to text on ipod touch?

Yes, there is text plus or text with voice you can find in the app store

Why can't i send picture messages from text plus and receive them?

You have to upgrade to text plus silver in order to send and receive picture messages.

What is the basic requirements to develop a c plus plus program?

Text editor.