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Your head feels light, your vision might become blurry. You might feel like you are going to faint or pass out. You might become unbalanced and stumble or fall.

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Q: What is symptom of dizziness?
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What are the early symptoms of Cataract?

Yes dizziness is a starting symptom of cataract because it comes with blur vision which result to dizziness.

Is dizziness a symptom of ear infection in adults?

Dizziness could mean many different things; talk with a doctor about how you are feeling.

How do you use the word symptom in a sentence?

The doctor asked the man to describe the primary symptom. A symptom is not always a sign of chronic disease but could be an acute infection. My main symptom was dizziness.

What is the most common symptom usually caused by damage to the inner ear?

The most common symptom caused by damage to the inner ear is dizziness or vertigo.

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Symptoms of gallbladder disease include inflammation, vomiting, gas, upper abdominal pain, shoulder and back pain, dizziness and pain when taking deep breaths.

What is the main symptom of cardiac arrhythmias?

The main symptom of cardiac arrhythmias is pounding in your chest, shortness of breath, fainting ,dizziness or feeling light-headed, palpitations, weakness of fatigue (feeling tired)

Is dizziness a sign of low blood pressure?

Dizziness is one symptom of low blood pressure. You should probably get checked out by your doctor, just to make sure that nothing too serious is wrong with you. Best wishes.

Is dry cough a symptom of antibiotic overdose in child?

If it's the only "symptom" you may not considere it as a red flag. It is probably the active infection symptom (or a virus infection symptom). It there is other weird symptoms (dizziness, confusion, drowsiness) and you think your child may be overdosed, you should seek medical help.

What might have an infection cause dizziness?

An infection can cause dizziness by affecting the inner ear, leading to inflammation which disrupts the balance system. Infections can also result in fever, dehydration, or low blood pressure, all of which can contribute to feelings of dizziness. Additionally, certain infections like meningitis or encephalitis can directly impact the brain and cause dizziness as a symptom.

What symptom is dizziness with muscles that don't want to move and you do not have any strength?

This can be caused by a viral infection. Its advisable you see your Doctor for a check up.

Can you get dizzy from a head cold?

Yes, dizziness can be a symptom of a head cold due to congestion and inflammation in the sinuses and inner ear. This can disrupt the balance system in the inner ear which may lead to feelings of dizziness or vertigo. If experiencing severe dizziness, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What can dizziness do to a human body?

Dizziness can affect balance and coordination, increasing the risk of falls and accidents. It can also lead to nausea and vomiting, and may impact daily activities and quality of life. In some cases, dizziness may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition that requires evaluation and treatment.