Steady dating is when you have an "offical" boyfriend or girlfriend. If you go on dates with someone, that is different because you go on dates with different people, but if you are dating someone constantly, it becomes steady, or non changing, so you are steady dating.
Going out, going steady and dating
Casual Dating, Steady Dating, Engagement, Marriage
Yeah it just means you have been dating for a while.
Dating. Being in an exclusive relationship with someone.
It is remoured that he is dating his manager.
Some people can remain friends with their ex boyfriends even after just a month of steady dating. He may be afraid to commit to steady dating for now. Dating other guys and only talking to him on a steady basis. By doing this he may see how much he really does care for you or, he may not and that's simply a risk you are going to have to take. My bet is he won't like you dating another guy.
I would say that steady dating would be if you've been going out with the same person for years but you're not yet married to them. It's like having a boy or girlfriend for a long period of time. Most people would probably think you both are married, yet you've been steady dating for years.
Courting, going steady, going together all have the same meaning as dating.
Going steady means they are going out on a regular basis, and they are not dating anyone else.
Going steady was a relationship status. It meant committing only to each other in a relationship, and not dating other people.
dating somone is your boy friend and girlfriend as of dating is simply going steady and your just testing the women or man out to see if he or she is right for you