Governor of a state
 Copy that, paste in status
A status on facebook is what are you doing right now or your main message on your facebook homepage.
unless you are on a discussion wall / a mutual friend's wall, you cannot like someones comment or status
It isn't possible to track who views your Whatsapp status, but if there is a specific person you'd like to block they will no longer be able to see status updates you make.
conferral of a doctoratedie Promotion graduation conferral of a doctoratedie Promotion graduationadvancementaidboostconferral of a doctorateencouragementfurtherancegraduationvalorization
All except one
how can i get the current status of the my endownment policy status.
Your status in the community is spectacular.
Singular: status Plural: status, statuses So, status could be either singular or plural.
Update Status Summary, Update Detailed Status, Update Tabular Status, Computer Status Summary, Computer Detailed Status, Computer Tabular Status, and Synchronization Results
Status is a noun.
What is an economic status
what are the concept of status
1Tackle 3595 Physical 1Sharpen ---- Status 1Conversion ---- Status 1Conversion 2---- Status 7Psybeam65100 Special 12Agility---- Status 18Recover ---- Status 23Magnet Rise ---- Status 29Signal Beam 75100 Special 34Recycle ---- Status 40Discharge 80100 Special 45Lock-on---- Status 51Tri Attack80100 Special 56Magic Coat---- Status 62Zap Cannon12050 Special
Respiratory status
Your status is "married." You are still a citizen of this country. There is no special status.