The spheroidal cystolith is a marijuana plants defense against disease. It is different from the tricombs, as it does not have the effects of THC.
A star is a spheroidal plasma converting mass into energy by nuclear fusion.
"Spheroidal" refers to having the shape of a sphere or resembling a sphere. It is often used to describe objects or structures that are rounded or ball-shaped.
The concentration of stars is typically more centrally located in elliptical galaxies compared to spiral galaxies. Elliptical galaxies have a more concentrated spheroidal shape with stars distributed densely in the center, while spiral galaxies have a more spread-out disk structure with stars distributed along spiral arms.
Protogalactic clouds that have a high angular momentum and a significant amount of gas and dust are more likely to form an elliptical galaxy. These clouds experience rapid, chaotic collapse and undergo turbulent mixing, leading to the formation of a dynamically relaxed and spheroidal galaxy like an elliptical. Moreover, a low rate of ongoing star formation and a lack of well-defined spiral structure are characteristics of elliptical galaxies, which can be traced back to the properties of the protogalactic clouds.
Perhaps a better question would be why is our star called a sun. The sun is a star. The stars you see in the sky are suns so far away they are only tiny points of light. Star -- A self-luminous gaseous spheroidal celestial body of great mass which produces energy by means of nuclear fusion reactions
Calcium carbonate is the main substance present in the spheroidal cystolith, a type of crystal deposit found in certain plant cells. These cystoliths help support the cells and have a unique spherical shape.
Cystolith is the plants defense against disease. It is commonly mistaken for tricombs. Unfortunately these do not have the same effect as the tricombs, being there is no THC in a Cystolith hair. THC is found in the resinous " mushroom head" of a tricomb.
The average diameter of a dwarf spheroidal galaxy is 10 kiloparsecs.
Spheroidal boulders form through a process called spheroidal weathering, where rocks break down along their edges and corners due to chemical and physical weathering. This creates a more rounded shape over time as the corners and edges are eroded away, producing spheroidal boulders.
It's basically a build up of calcium carbonate that forms on the leaves of some plants.
spheroidal weathering
The second nearest is the Saggitarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy.
Spheroidal weathering
spheroidal weathering
Spheroidal weathering
Spheroidal Graphite (Cast) Iron. As the name implies, graphite is present in spheroidal form instead of flakes and compared with Grey Cast Iron it has higher mechanical strength, ductility and increased shock resistance.
The second nearest is the Saggitarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy.