

Best Answer

1. kiss

2. drink

3. food

4. bill

5. conversation

6. car

7. interests

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Q: What is something two people on a date might share?
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Name something two people on a date might share?

KISSES!!! ♥ Food Drink Bill Conversation Interests Car

How can you tell two people are on a first date?

The boy is often shy to say something to the girl and they might not be holding hands

When you're on a date do you share food?

Some people do; some people don't. For many it would depend on how close they are to the other person on the date.

Is it wrong to makeout on a double date?

Yes. This is something private you do with your bf. You don't share that with another couple.

When is j6 birthday?

Its In July but i don't know the date.... It might be the 19 or something

When a guy shares his music with you?

I guess if you were on a date and he played his favourite sounds to you, he wanted to share something close to him, that's a good thing for him to share something intimate with you especially if he's a huge fan of his favourite music..>You're in girl !!!

What celebrity would date JennyWooz?

well it all depends on who likes him. some people might and some people might not.

How do you get a hot date?

Join a club or sports centre and meet people who share common interests. This is the best place to meet somebody as you will share similar views.

What does it mean if two people were born on the same day but not in the same year?

They share a birthday, but not a birth date.

Name something an employer might ask her boss?

raise, day off, promotion, date

Name something that a employe might ask his boss for?

a raise day off promotion date

What does la salida mean in English?

Salida might mean exit. It might mean a way out. It might mean offramp. It might mean a date.