Assuming that approximately 60% of a person's body weight is water, a person who weighs 100 pounds would contain about 60 pounds of water.
On average, about 60% of an adult's body weight is water. Therefore, a person who weighs 100 pounds would have approximately 60 pounds of water in their body.
A small pineapple or a quart of milk typically weighs around 2.2 pounds.
Approximately 60% of the human body is made up of water, so a person who weighs 100 pounds likely has about 60 pounds of water in their body.
A person who weighs 100 pounds likely has about 50-60% of their body weight as water, so they would likely have 50-60 pounds of water in their body.
60 bowling balls
A mass of 60 kg weighs 132.28 pounds on earth.
2013: A 10 year old weighs about 70-90 something pounds so she probably about 60-50 pounds.
Assuming that approximately 60% of a person's body weight is water, a person who weighs 100 pounds would contain about 60 pounds of water.
On average, about 60% of an adult's body weight is water. Therefore, a person who weighs 100 pounds would have approximately 60 pounds of water in their body.
That depends on where you are. Something that weighs 400 pounds on Earth has 181.4 kilograms of mass. Something that weighs 400 pounds on the Moon has 1,096.3 kilograms of mass. Something that weighs 400 pounds on Jupiter has 68.7 kilograms of mass.
A small pineapple or a quart of milk typically weighs around 2.2 pounds.
Well, a kilogram weighs 2.2 pounds, so 5 kg would be something that weighs 11 pounds.
A newborn baby cow typically weighs between 60-100 pounds.
A 65 ton block of granite. Also a fully loaded battle ready U.S. Army M-60 Tank.
147 pounds is around 66.7 kilograms.
Any object that weighs 132 pounds.