well, be a really good and obedient person and talk to people and tell them about your girlfriend and say things like that your girlfriend is really nice and sweet.
When you first see her If she seems uncertain of herself If she's cold If she says something really nice or sweet to you Always when you say goodbye
Just say thanks or something little like that. we love that.
I'm a girl so if you want her to get you something, be sweet, always talk to her, stand up for her, say things sweet, or give her something amazing if you know what I mean!
Say something really sweet to her on twitter @misskellyo and she will reply back to you (:
Don't say no. Be supportive of her. I mean if she really likes something help her with it??
You can say, I love her, or she is the sweetest girl you have ever met. Something like that.
just be yourself & if you want to either say something cute back or smile & kiss him (:
A good way to ask a girl to be your girlfriend is to be sincere and direct. You could say something like, "I really enjoy spending time with you and I would love for us to be in a relationship. Would you be my girlfriend?" It's important to be clear and respectful in your approach.
Are you already his girlfriend? if yes say you need to take a break for a while. If You are not his girlfriend and he wants you to be , And you don't Say - I really want to stay single for now, if you are just friends and want to remain friends Say- I really rather keep you as a friend , they are harder to find. or something along those lines.
speaking as a boy, i say that you try to take your mind off it by doing something you love and just do that until you like someone else.
Say something meaningful and sweet to her in public or give her hugs. Usually, a girl is shy so make sure not much people is around.