

What is slavary?

Updated: 4/29/2024
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11y ago

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slavary is when people make do other ppl things forcefully or stuff they dont want t do

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11h ago

Slavery is a system where individuals are owned by others as property, forced to work without pay, and often subject to harsh living conditions and treatment. It has a long history across different societies and cultures, and is now universally condemned as a violation of basic human rights.

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The aim of slavery was to exploit individuals for labor, often in a way that benefitted the slaveholder economically or socially. It involved the dehumanization of individuals and the denial of their basic rights and freedoms for the benefit of those in power.

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First, it is spelled slavery not slavary and it was first abolished by the Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln then the 13th amendment was passed totally outlawing slavery in the united states except in reference to convicted criminals.

What was slavary?

Slavery is when white people take black people for slaves and blacks serve whites.

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Mary Livermore was on the unoin side because she did not believe in slavary.

What people were involved in the fight twords ending slavary?

Try this web sight:

Which pairs of abolitionists was involved in the publication of anti slavary?

could you please give us some pairs to choose from....^^

What is an abolishionist?

Someone that tried to stop slavary. they were either freed slaves or white men that really cared for freedom.