Unsafe! Srry bad joke, u can get a blowjob while driving but not much more than that
what is a dream like stage called while driving
When people act out violently while driving, it is called road rage.
Highway hypnosis.
no its stupid you will have a car accident u try to have sex or some thing
it is called hijacking.l
Wireless Communications Device Law
by meiosis. for sperm it is called spermatogenesis while for eggs it is called oogenesis.
a car crash waiting to happen....
The chromosomes that determine biological sex are called sex chromosomes. In humans, females typically have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y chromosome.
If you have a blowout while driving you should?
Yes, you can carry a photocopy of your driving license while driving.
In the United Kingdom you are called a Law Breaker