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First, see that you can possess a Class III in YOUR state. Most permit it, some do not. for a private citizen, the weapon must already have been registered with the BATFE. for full auto firearms, they must have been registered by May of 1986- no new guns can be registered. You must be 21, and meet the same requirements to purchase any other firearm (residency, criminal history, mental illness, etc). You will also need to be fingerprinted, and have written approval from your local chief of police. Transfer of ownership is usually though a Dealer with a special license for these, and you will pay a $200 transfer tax to the BATFE. You also need a BIG checking account. Due to the cutoff of no new full autos, the price has jumped. The last full auto M16 I saw for sale was $16,000.

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Q: What is required to purchase a class 3 weapon?
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Firearms law vary from state to state and your local codes should be consulted before the purchase of a weapon. In addition to your state and local laws federal law may have restrictions or requirements for the weapon you want to purchase. A reputable class 3 firearms dealer would be a good resource for you discuss your purchase with prior to purchase. Good luck.

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Can a civilian own a M16 rifle?

You may only own a M16 or other fully automatic machine gun that was manufactured and registered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (BATFE) before May 19, 1986. Fully automatic weapons manufactured after that date are not currently legal for civilian ownership. Because of the 1986 cut off, fully automatic weapons that were registered before that date sell for exorbitant prices.An individual purchasing a " National Firearms Act Weapon ", NFA weapon or class 3 fully automatic weapon is required to pay a one time, $200 Federal Excise Tax fee. To obtain an NFA weapon, you must first select one. The reason is, forms are required to transfer the weapon from seller to buyer, requiring specific information. There are several types of forms to accommodate these transfers. A form "3", accommodates dealer to dealer transfers (Class 3, in or out of state). A form "4", accommodates dealer to individual transfers, within the state. Unlicensed individuals may not transfer class 3 weapons directly into their state. An active Class 3 license is required to execute the transfer. If you hold an active standard FFL, you may transfer the weapon in directly, however the law enforcement signature, photographs, and fingerprint cards are still required, as well as the $200 FET. The form "4" is quite simple. It will be filled out in duplicate by your Class 3 dealer, showing the current owner of the weapon and address, your name and address, description of the weapon and serial number, etc.. You will be given the forms, along with a set of fingerprint cards. On the back of the form is a place for your photograph and your local law enforcement official's signature. If you are transferring the NFA weapon to your corporation, this Law Enforcement signature is not required. After you have obtained an official signature, return the forms along with your photographs (taped to the back), your fingerprint cards, and your check for $200, (payable to The Department of the Treasury) to your dealer. All of this information, along with the FET fee, will be forwarded to the BATF and they will begin the process of transferring the ownership of the weapon to your name or corporation.

How do you unlock weapons in battle field 3?

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Is it legal to buy or own automatic firearms?

As long as you are not a felon and are properly licensed to carry and own a weapon in your state. Actually, that answer is only partially correct, at least in regards to the U.S. In the U.S. it is legal to own fully automatic weapons in 38 or 39 states. You do not have to already own a firearm of any kind, nor do you have to have a permit. In order to purchase any class 3 item, the only requirement is that you live in a state where it is legal, that you are 21 or older, and that you have no felonies or disqualifying misdemeanors. Basically, if you can legally purchase a handgun from a dealer, you can purchase NFA/Class 3 items.

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