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A tankard

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Q: What is receptacle for beer?
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Related questions

Can I install a GFCI receptacle from an existing receptacle in the basement?

Yes, there is no reason why this can not be done. In fact a benefit of this is that every receptacle downstream from this new receptacle will also be protected by the GFCI receptacle.

How do you say receptacle in french?

the same : receptacle

What is the charateristics of the receptacle?

Characteristics of a receptacle is the rating in amps and the pin configuration, which govern the use that the receptacle is approved for.

What is a sentence for receptacle?

I don't know what receptacle means.

How do you spell receptacle?

It is spelt correctly in the question (receptacle).

How do you use receptacle in a sentence?

we used a receptacle to hold the cookies.

Can a single phase receptacle be tapped off a three phase receptacle?

No, pull in a separate feed for the single phase receptacle.

What does a receptacle do in a plant?

The Receptacle of a flower is the bottom of the flower. It holds everything together. reproductive parts of a plant. Receptacle is female

What is the function of receptacle of a flower?

The Receptacle of a flower is the bottom of the flower. It holds everything together. reproductive parts of a plant. Receptacle is female

What is the function in the seminal receptacle in an earthworm?

seminal receptacle = semen receiver.

Why is my GFCI receptacle not working?

Your GFCI receptacle may not be working due to a tripped circuit, a faulty GFCI receptacle, or a wiring issue. It is important to troubleshoot and potentially replace the receptacle to ensure safety and functionality.

Is a grounding 120 volt receptacle larger than an ordinary receptacle?

No, a grounding 120-volt receptacle is the same size as an ordinary receptacle. The grounding feature in the receptacle does not affect its physical size or shape.