when ethanol is used as an additive to motor fuels to act as a fuel for internal combustion of engines, its called "power alcohol"
Power alcohol is a name of a car fuel obtained from vegetable material.
Gordon Wickham Monier-Williams has written: 'Power alcohol, its production and utilisation' -- subject(s): Alcohol as fuel, Alcohol 'Trace elements in food' -- subject(s): Analysis, Biochemistry, Food 'The determination of benzoic acid in foodstuffs' -- subject(s): Analysis, Benzoic acid, Food 'Power alcohol, its production and utilisation' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Alcohol 'Power alcohol'
The power to tax and regulate alcohol is an implied power.
With will power and their own brain.
Yes, as ethanol is pure alcohol 5% of water would not be enough to get a rid of the alcohol.
A congressional power that is implied by the expressed power to levy taxes is the power to tax and regulate alcohol.
I don't know if it will reduce the power of the steroids but its definitely not ideal for bulding muscle. I cut out alcohol almost totally on a cycle. You want to create idela conditions for muscle growth to get the most out of your cycle.
Absolutely not. An alcoholic craves alcohol. A serial killer craves power. Some serial killers abuse alcohol and/or drugs but most do not.
state and county governments
Advantages of alcohol power include being a renewable energy source, producing fewer emissions compared to fossil fuels, and potentially supporting local economies through the production of crops for fuel. Disadvantages may include lower energy density compared to gasoline, increased production costs, and competition with food production for resources.
Yes, of course, it happens all the time. Many people drink alcohol in moderation and don't get addicted. However, if you are talking about a previous alcoholic drinking alcohol and not getting addicted, it is generally better to avoid alcohol altogether unless you have very strong will-power