Physical dependence on a substance is a physiological rather than a psychological dependence.
Scientists and researchers alike will say yes. Smokers of marijuana sometimes doubt if it does, because the effects of withdrawl aren't as obvious as opiates, for example. The psychological dependance synptoms are stronger than the physical dependance symptoms, but are there none-the-less.
Some of them that exhibit mild repercussions physically are alcohol, caffeine, marijuana, and LSD.
not all depressants cause a dependance but the ones that do you'd think itd be pyschological x
Foreign Oil: Dependance or Laziness?
Analphabetism!Dependance from France!
Dependance on the devise.
"Dependence" refers to relying on someone or something for support or assistance, while "independence" refers to the state of being self-reliant and not requiring outside help or control. Dependance implies a need for others, whereas independence implies autonomy and freedom from external influences.
Suitable or fit to be relied on; worthy of dependance or reliance; trustworthy.
You feel you can't live without the drug