Phone cuffing is the technologically advanced version of pillow talk where you talk with your significant other for a long period of time but little content is actually discussed.
If you mean Cuffing, the term comes from the cuff, the part of a sleeve near to the hand turned back to prevent fraying, or designed as decoration. Thus, cuffing means a light blow with the fist or open hand.
buffing, bluffing, cuffing, fluffing, huffing, roughing, stuffing
here are some cuffing stuffing cutting buttoning loving,Pumping,dumpling.
I NEEED TO KNOW IF THIS IS TACKY!!! I NEEED TO KNOW IF THIS IS TACKY!!! i don't think so, I always roll up my jeans one time, not double cuff, and i think it looks a little better than double cuffing but i dont really think it looks tacky...
"Cuffing season" refers to the time of year, typically fall and winter, when single individuals seek out short-term relationships or "cuffing" partners to avoid feeling lonely during the colder months. It involves spending more time indoors and engaging in activities with a romantic partner rather than being single.
The cast of Cuffing Season - 2014 includes: Shonni Albritton as Brittany Grigori as Peter Zach Book as Jim Etalvia Cashin as Chase Ericka Harden as Audience member Austen Jaye as Anderson Alphonso Johnson as Jason Sean Riggs as Morris Prince Rijan as Phillip Tia Shipman as Tasha
cuffing all relations with a country is an effective way to show that its actions and unacceptable -APEX MY ANSWERS ARE THE BEST
Cuffing off the hair of a samurai was seen as an insult because hair was considered a sign of honor and status in Japanese culture. It was also a way to strip them of their identity and humiliate them in public. Samurai would often commit ritual suicide if they were dishonored in such a way.
A dating "season" that generally starting the first day of fall that leads into the winter months. This relationship usually does not last past March but you have a cuddle buddy for the winter.
The guards cuffed Cole because he was being uncooperative and violent, posing a threat to himself and others. Cuffing was a measure to ensure everyone's safety and to maintain control of the situation.
under u r service
A Wireless Phone, A Cell Phone, A Mobile Phone, A Cordless Phone, A Portable Phone.