Organic water is termed to that water which contains considerable amount of living flora and fauna inside it. That amount which is un-negligible and undeniable.
Water dissolves thousands of compounds (organic and inorganic) no one other solvent dissolves such huge no of compounds so it is known as universal solvent.
Phospholipids form membranes because they have hydrophobic (water repelling) heads and hydrophilic (water attracting) tails. The hydrophobic heads will congretate together to avoid contact with the water so the hydrophilic tails will then be left on the outside in contact with the water. This creates a lipid bilayer membrane.
Organic brain dysfunction is better than non-organic brain dysfunction. Remember to always shop organic, when given the choice.
It depends on how they are processed. Regular (conventional) cotton t-shirts are washed with formaldehyde which affects shrinkage. For organic cotton tees, some do, some don't. I know that we pre-shrink ours only using hot water.
no there is no such thing as organic water
In chemical terms, water is not organic.
Water is not an organic compound, as it lacks carbon atoms.
No water soluble pepper is already organic.
No, water is not considered an organic solvent. Organic solvents are typically carbon-based compounds, while water is a polar inorganic solvent.
No, it is not an organic compound.
No, water is not considered organic because it does not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, which are a defining characteristic of organic compounds.
inorganic, due to the absence of carbon
Yes it will dissolve in water!!!!1
Lipids are organic molecules that are naturally occurring and they are insoluble in water.
Yes it will. Usually it is a mixture of organic ingredients and anything organic will absorb water.
organic by standard definition must contain the element carbon. water h2o does not contain carbon therefore it cannot nor will it ever be organic.