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A Subdural Hematoma occurs when a severe acceleration to deceleration occurs leading to the veins in the subdural space tearing. An Epidural Hematoma occurs from direct trauma to the brain leading to bleeding in the meningeal artery.

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Q: What is one difference between a subdural hematoma and an epidural hematoma?
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What is an epidural hematoma?

blood accumulation that separates the dura from the inner side of the skull is known as an epidural hematoma (blood swelling). The same process occurrence between the dura and arachnoid layers is a subdural hematoma

What is the difference between a stroke and a subdural hematoma?

Hematoma is a bruise, stroke is burst vessel in the brain.

What is the medical term meaning Collection of blood within the meningeal layers?

A subdural hematoma is a collection of blood in the space between the outer layer (dura) and middle layers of the covering of the brain (the meninges). It is most often caused by torn, bleeding veins on the inside of the dura as a result of a blow to the head.The meninges are layers or covers of the brain.There are 3 meninges but only 2 ways which blood can collect: EPIDURAL, SUBDURAL, SUBARACHNOID.Dr. evans onyango

What is the difference between a intracerebral hematoma and subdural hematoma?

An intracerebral hematoma is a collection of blood from bleeding within the brain whereas a subdural hematoma is a collection of blood from bleeding outside the brain. The brain is covered by a membrane called the meninges which consists of three layers. The outermost layer is the dura mater, the middle layer is the arachnoid mater while the innermost layer which is adjacent to the outer surface of the brain is the pia mater. A subdural hematoma is therefore more specifically a collection of blood between the dura and arachnoid layers.

What is the medical term meaning active bleeding between the skull and the brain?

It depends where the bleeding is. If it is in the brain tissue then cerebral hemorrhage is correct. In the subarachnoid space would be a subarachnoid hematoma. In the subdural space.....subdural hematoma.haemorage

How serious is a subdural hematoma?

Symptoms appearing in less than 48 hours are due to an acute subdural hematoma. This type of bleeding is often fatal, and results from tearing of the venous sinus.

If you get hit in the head blood accumulates between the dura mater and the skull?

Epidural hematoma

What is the medical term meaning collection of blood above the dura mater?

Epidural is the medical term meaning above the dura mater, or the area between the dur mater and the vertebral body.

What is the difference between a periorbital hematoma and a bilateral periorbital hematoma?

periorbital hematoma is 1 black eye, bilateral is 2 black eyes

Is subdural hematoma a malignant tumor?

No, a subdural hematoma is not a malignant tumor. It is a collection of blood that occurs between the inner layer of the dura mater (a protective membrane covering the brain) and the surface of the brain. Subdural hematomas can be caused by traumatic injuries to the head or by underlying medical conditions such as bleeding disorders. They can be life-threatening if left untreated and require prompt medical attention.

What is the difference between a seroma and a hematoma?

seroma: filled with clear serous fluid hematoma: filled with red blood cells

Where does the subdural space lie between?

The subdural space lies between the dural and arachnoid layers of the meninges.