Your winchester model 96 over/under shotgun is valued at between 375-600 dollars for a shotgun with 60%-95% original finish remaining and a good bore.These shotguns were made by winchester between the years 1976-1982.They are often referred to the poor mans model 101 shotgun.
AROUND $325 to $375, depending on condition, whether it is Old model or New model, etc.
50-150 usd
$250 ish
20-100 USD; no published sn data
what is my 250 / 3000 Savage , ser# 176892 mod. 1895 great condition.
200-400 dollars
Your 1941 produced Winchester model 1894 is going for between 350-500 dollars depending on condition of the rifle.
is it an antique (break open model) or modern model. that has a lot to do with price. the overall condition sets the price, antique or modern.................
i would like to know what a Dan Wesson model 1911-a 45 cal pistle with ser# 00062 is worth
log on to Winchester arms, give ser# and date if its a pre 1964 its worth more
ide like to know my self..i have a Winchester model 94 ser# 111xxx..thnx