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the political influence held by slaveholders in the south

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Q: What is meant by growth of slave power?
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When did Growth of a slave power in the US referred to?


What was meant by the term slave power?

the political influence held by slaveholdeers in the south.

How might a wealthy roman view the growth of roman power differently from a slave?


How did African slaves' change in 1787?

In 1787 the Three-Fifths Compromise was passed. This meant that each slave was only worth 3/5 of an actual person. This meant that slave-holding plantations would lose some of their political power.

What does a fugitive slave mean?

It meant a slave ran away.

What was the trade slave compromise?

The slave trade compromise was an agreement during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, protecting the interests of slaveholders, that forbid Congress the power to act on the slave trade for twenty years. This meant that slaves would be mostly a state power.

Why was one reason for the growth of the domestic slave trade?

The international slave trade ended /apex

What did many people do when feared by the growth of an active slave resistance movement?

states passed slave codes.

Because many people feared the growth of an active slave resistance movement?

states passed slave codes

How did African slaves status change in 1787?

In 1787 the Three-Fifths Compromise was passed. This meant that each slave was only worth 3/5 of an actual person. This meant that slave-holding plantations would lose some of their political power.

The fight between slave and non slave state proponents?

Just look it up.I meant hey give you the correct answer.

What is meant by growth maximizer pro?

this helps people grow taller these are the professionals at maximizing your growth