its not kik, its supposed to be kk which means ok ok.
no problem
no comment i think
nvm got the answer
BAC in text means by any chance.
NVM is the abbreviation for never mind. Never mind is used to urge someone not to feel anxiety or distress.
Nvm means nevermind
nvm means nevermind
Abbreviations of 'Never Mind'
DNA in text talk means "did not attend" or "does not apply."
It means Nevermind
NVM stands for Nevermind. Example: NVM Loren already gave me the homework. Or Not Very Much. Ex would you like some soup? yes but NVM
it means in text talk thanks
Talk To You Later
It means can't talk now
fo in text talk usually means f*** off. sometimes people make their own text talk that nobody else knows what it means. check if f*** off fits into the sentence that was sent to you.
Text/tell me later or u can say ttml which means talk to me later or ttyl which means talk to u later.