Neutral message: neutral message mean announcement for those person who are interested, basically this type of messages are used for specific or group who are interested in this.
If some one is travailing on the road and looks at shop where some words is written like get 10% discount on purchasing more than three, so if that person goes in side in the shop and says to seller that your offer is well and valid but i don't have time to purchase it but inshahllah when i have chance i will purchase it. Now i think this message was neutral for him who was in the shop to say above words because this was the announcement for those person are itersted to purchase it.
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Evaluating media messages is to see how good, useful or successful media messages can be.
I'm not sure what you mean by that. Do you mean theer sending you a text message if so try sending Stop to the number that should stop them sending messages to you.
MWS means 'messages won't send'.
Yahoo! Mail lets you flag messages for follow-up. For example, you might flag a message to remind yourself to reply to it later. Then you can sort the messages in your Inbox or other folder by the flag column, moving all of the flagged messages to the top.I'm not sure..........
Yes, it is easier to fake verbal messages than nonverbal messages.
direct good news message or neutral messages
yes that would be in that really time which it was in here 1 year before mentioned
It means the neutral is not grounded.
That depends what you mean by "neutral".
To feel neutral is to feel nothing.
it mean i don't know
neutral: not siding with one country or the other.
kisses on messages
Lic mean Like i care