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Q: What is maximum effective range of an 9mm pistol?
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Maximum and effective range of 9mm?

For a 9mm PISTOL- effective range is about 50 meters. Max range about 960.

What is the maximum range in meters for the 9mm?

Depends on which 9mm. If you mean the M9 pistol in use by the US military, it is listed as having a max EFFECTIVE range of 60 meters- bullet can travel about 960 meters. Other 9mm weapons, such as carbines, would have a longer effective and max range.

What is the effective range of a 9mm pistol?

50 meters for most.

How far will a 9mm bereta bullet travel?

When fired from the M9 pistol, the 9mm Parabellum cartridge may reach a maximum range of 200-2500 meters, however, there is NO degree of accuracy at that range. The effective range is about 50 meters.

Travel distance of a 9 millimeter bullet?

The average 9mm Parabellum pistol has an effective range of about 50 meters. The cartridge has a MAXIMUM range (no accuracy) of about 960 meters.

What is the yardage of a 9mm round shot from a camp model 9 carbine?

What are you trying to ask? Maximum range or maximum effective range?

How accurate can you shoot a 9mm from 100 yards?

For the AVERAGE 9mm pistol, not very well. The M9 pistol is considered to have an effective range of 50 meters. There ARE 9mm pistols and shooters that are accurate to 100 yards- but not an everyday affair.

What is the maximum range for 9mm pistol?

a 9mm is not very powerful and i have one and a can shoot it and hit the target at maybe 150 to 200 feet if you want to be accurate at all

What is the effective range of a 9M pistol?

1/2 mile to 3/4 mile is a strong force in this range fro a 9mm bullet.

What is the maximum effective range and maximum range for the Ruger P95?

The maximum effective range for a typical 9mm Parabellum handgun is about 50 meters. The bullet can be driven to a maximum range of over 1000 meters- when fired at a 45 degree angle. This will have no accuracy, and can only guarantee the bullet will hit the earth- somewhere.

What is the range of a 9mm Glock?

Effective range is about 25m

What do you mean by accurate range of firearm?

The actual term is "effective range". That is the range where a trained shooter can consistently hit the target. For example- a 9mm pistol has an effective range of about 50 meters. However, it can shoot a bullet about 960 meters. But at that range, you will not consistently hit anything- except the earth.