Marijuan is made out of dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant.
The time it takes for marijuana to leave your system depends on various factors, including your metabolism, frequency of use, and overall health. On average, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for three puffs of marijuana to be fully cleared from your system. Staying hydrated, exercising, and eating a healthy diet can help speed up the process.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that smoking marijuana can make you smarter. In fact, marijuana use has been linked to cognitive impairments, particularly in memory, attention, and executive functioning. Regular marijuana use during adolescence has been associated with long-term negative effects on brain development and academic performance.
Jusin Crawford made who made
The United States Penny is made out of copper.
No, my toilet is not made of gold.
It can be.
how to crossbreed marijuna
she smoked some marijuna
No smoke as much as you want.
no he smoked to much marijuna
it increases your heart rate and heightens some senses
Medical Marijuna
kush, bush, dro, weed, maryjane, green,
No its a stupid drug and posion everu drug out there is posion beside marijuna
If I smoke marijuna and take the Depo-provera
Marijuana is actually a leaf, which is a solid, and not a liquid, so marijuana cannot be drunk.
That stuff you smoke that makes you feel all good and stuff. It's a natural erb.