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Between 1989 and 1995 is the best that can be told with the info given. Go to the Ruger website (see related link at the bottom), and under "Customer Service" you'll see a drop-down menu which appears when you hover the cursor over it. One of the options will be "Instruction Manuals and Product History", which you'll click on next. A new page will open in the main frame - click on "Rifle Instruction Manuals and Product History". That will open up a new menu, from which you'll select "Mini 14 Ranch (manufactured from 1982 to 2004" and click on that. A new (pop up) window will open, containing information which can help you narrow it down to a specific year. If you want a specific month, you'll have to contact Ruger.

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Q: What is manufacture date of a 188 series Ruger mini 14 ranch rifle?
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What is the manufacture date of a 187 series Ruger Mini-14 ranch rifle?

Ruger has a sn function on their web site.

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The Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle marked as .223 can safely fire the .223 AND the 5.56 NATO military cartridge. The Ruger Mini-14 TARGET model should only fire .223 ammo- no 5.56 mm

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You will have to call Ruger.

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Go to Ruger's web site. They have sn data you can look up.

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It would help if you gave the model number.

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580 is the newer version of the Mini 14 Ranch, minor engineering changes, improved accuracy, etc.

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Ruger will send you a manual if you request one.

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Semi automatic rifle made by Ruger.

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Your series 197 Mini 14 was built in 2004 (or later) by Ruger according to their own website. Look up when your rifle was built there. I purchased a series 197 Ranch rifle in 2005 for around $550.00.

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Go to the Ruger website- look under customer service- data- rifle- your model, then llok for your serial number.

How much is a 1996 ruger mini 14 223 cal ranch rifle?

100-435 USD