" k "
Just means thousands in short form.
For example , 2k Would be 2,000 ; Two thousand.
In 1953 K.R.Perry started a Ben Franklin variety store that was a K&K and 5&10. In 1991 only a dollar started five stores. In 1993 the stores started to sell things for a dollar like the K&B Toy. The dollar tree started. This info was from wikipedia.com
K. R. Perry
The Polk dollar was minted in 2009.
kimberly k. Jones
when you see a 'k' after a number, (ex. 100k) that means it's $100,000. "K" is just a shortcut for "thousand"
Use "K" to represent thousand, and "M" to represent million in dollar figures. For example, $5K means $5,000, while $5M means $5,000,000.
Kennedy half dollar
It's a presidential dollar from 2009, and it's worth exactly one US dollar.
his face was put on a dollar coin hy friend this is kevin miranda by the way
All U.S. dollar bills have a letter A through L to indicate a Federal Reserve Bank branch where the bill was first issued. K refers to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.