it is amasing to snog i have dun it before and it feels great cause u ave someone to just grabb by the face and ave a right good snog
you step to him and snog him, but if you want him to snog you back then i dont now.
it is like a snog
it feels like a british kiss.
yeaah, shes like 18 or something, practcially an adults and adults do snog, its part of being in love.
If you really don't know how to snog or even know what it means, do you really think you are emotionally ready to take that step? Please back off for awhile and consider where this is going and what the results could be.
The origin of the word 'Snog' or 'Snogging' is England :)
grab hold of their face and snog them, or just say, 'i love you, i need a kiss' and snog them reallly enjoyablely so they dont get a word in edgeways and then say 'lets get married' and she'll like you.
You should snog your boyfriend if you are a little deep in your relationship.
marry shag kill
Snog means to kiss; hump means to have sexual intercourse.
You have to email the snog staff ( and ask them to change it for you.
The duration of Snog Marry Avoid? is 1800.0 seconds.