Karl means the elephant. like the elephant i drew on my hand this mornning. they think like elephants, and are always clean like elephants!
Thoth is almost always shown holding a Was (scepter of power) in one hand and an Ankh (the key of the Nile symbolizing life) in the other hand.
yes she does like kiba because she is always holding his hand
I am holding a marker in my left hand.
The highest ranking hand always wins, regardless of what is on the table. If a player has a flush, it will beat the straight.
holding it w/ ur hand and holding it w/ ur other hand
either way is fine really but i think the man's hand should be in the back unless hes leading you or you can always do the cute pinkie hold were you're not linked by hand but by pinkies :9
NOTHING you could be holding anything lol
The Statue of Liberty is holding the torch in her right hand.
hand in hand is when two people are holding each others hands tight.
hand in hand is when two people are holding each others hands tight.