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Identured slaves are people who couldn't afford the trip to America so they borrowed money and to work it off the worked as servants

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10mo ago

Indentured servitude was a labor system in which individuals signed contracts agreeing to work for a certain number of years in exchange for passage to a new country and possibly land or other benefits. It differed from slavery in that it was a temporary condition with a defined end date, rather than being a lifelong status.

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What is the California indenture act?

The California Indenture Act of 1850 set forth regulations for slavery. The Act set forth regulations that made slavery legal in certain situations.

What is the meaning of indenture?

The abstract noun for indenture is the word indenture or indentureship. Indenture is the agreement or the contract for the servitude and indentureship is the term or length of the servitude.

What is the noun formation of indenture?

The word 'indenture' is a noun; a word for an agreement, contract, or document. Another noun form is 'indentureship'. The word 'indenture' is also a verb.

What is the noun formed from indenture?

The noun formed from indenture is "indenture". It refers to a legal document that binds two parties, often used in the context of contracts or agreements.

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Apprenticeship. and also in specific circumstances, 'contract'.

What is the noun formation of the word indenture?

The word indenture is a noun, a word for a contract binding one party into the service of another for a specified term. The noun form for the verb to indenture is indentureship and the gerund, indenturing.

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Can you name some simple tools which were introduced to Fiji Islands during the Indenture system?

The term Girmitiya was and is in use for Identifying Indenture System

What is the term for a contract in which a person agrees to work for an employer for a specific period of time?

The contract is the indenture servant program. The indenture servant would sign a contract for passage to America, In return, the indenture would work for seven years to the person or company to pay the debt.

Discuss the abuse of indenture system?

Abuse of the indenture system included neglect and abuse of the servants, exploitation, servants running away, and pregnancy among female servants. The benefits of the indenture system include a period of servitude allowed them to learn the customs, culture, and language of America.

What is noun for indenture?

The noun form of "indenture" is "indenture". It is a legal contract, typically written on parchment or paper, that sets out the terms and conditions of an agreement, especially with regards to employment or apprenticeship.

Why did Chinese came to Guyana?

Because they were indenture labours