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The BRAT diet consists of bannas, rice, applesauce, and toast.Ê The BRAT diet is commonly used when fighting of a stomach aliment.Ê It ismostÊcommonly used for children.

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Q: What is included on the BRAT diet?
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The BRAT diet includes?

The BRAT diet includes bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.

What type of patient would be put on a liquid or BRAT diet?

An overweight and an obese patient would be put on a liquid or BRAT diet.

What is the brat diet this is to do with diarrhea?

One of the best known diarrhea diets is the BRAT diet because it works. BRAT stands for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Rice, applesauce and toast should be plain with no added sugars or fats. All of these foods are high in fiber, which adds bulk to the stools. They are gentle on the stomach to allow your upset stomach and intestines time to heal. The BRAT diet is recommended for both children and adults, but talk to a doctor for diarrhea in children or diarrhea that lasts more than a few days for adults.

What sort of fruits will make you healthier after diarrhea?

Most people follow the BRAT diet after experiencing diarrhea. The BRAT diet advises eatingBananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast to ease stomach pain and help stop the diarrhea symptoms.

The BRAT diet consisting of bananas rice applesauce and toast is given to whom?

Children with diarrhea

Is the potato recommended for upset stomach?

The "brat" diet is recommended for the first 24 hours of upset - bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.

Is diet pill a depressant?

No. Diet pills usually have some sort of stimulant included.

Does Da Brat have any kids?

No she does not.

The brat diet should?

The brat diet should not be followed strictly fir mote than 72 hours as it does not contain all the nutrients the body requires Other foods are saltiness crackers, clear soups, boiled potatoes and cereal. If she has no improvement after 3 days then she may need a stool culture or antibiotics, also please remember no caffeine

Is whey good for dogs and can it be included in their diet?

Yes, whey can be good for dogs as it is a source of protein and nutrients. It can be included in their diet in moderation, but it is important to consult with a veterinarian before making any changes to a dog's diet.

Why should vegetables be included in the diet?

because they are healthy

What is the duration of Brother Brat?

The duration of The Brat is 3600.0 seconds.