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There's a tiny metal ball inside. Over time, the correction fluid will start to dry and thicken inside the container, the chemical components seperating out from the water inside. The ball helps mix things up again when you shake it.

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9mo ago

A typical correction fluid bottle, such as Tipp-Ex, contains a mixture of pigments, solvents, and other chemicals to form a thick liquid that can cover mistakes. The noise you may hear when shaking it comes from the pigments and other solid particles inside the bottle moving around and colliding with each other.

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Q: What is in a tipp-ex bottle to make a noise?
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Blowing into a bottle that is three-quarters full will likely make more noise compared to blowing into a bottle that is completely full. This is because the air inside the partially filled bottle has more space to vibrate and create sound waves when disturbed.

Can sniffing tippex make you lose your memory?

Not anymore, or at least in the EU, it is water-based.

Can eating tippex cause breast cancer?

It won't give you breast cancer, but it will kill you or make you sick.

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it can sleep play eat make a funny clicking noise

How do you get tippex of your skin?

To remove Tippex from your skin, you can try using a cotton ball soaked in nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol. Gently rub the affected area until the Tippex comes off. Wash the area with soap and water afterwards.

What will dissolve tippex?

Tippex is a correction fluid that contains a solvent that allows it to dry quickly. The best way to dissolve Tippex is to use a solvent such as acetone, nail polish remover, or rubbing alcohol. Simply apply the solvent to a cotton ball or cloth and gently rub the Tippex stain until it lifts off the surface.

Are you able to fix tippex tape?

no you are not

Can you use tippex on a passport form?


Why is tippex bad for the environment?

Tippex contains harmful chemicals like solvents and volatile organic compounds which can be damaging to the environment if not disposed of properly. These chemicals can leach into soil and water sources, causing pollution and harmful effects on ecosystems and wildlife. Additionally, the packaging of Tippex products can contribute to plastic waste if not recycled appropriately.

What are some creative ways to make a party noisemaker at home?

One creative way to make a party noisemaker at home is to fill a small plastic bottle with dried beans or rice, then seal it tightly. Decorate the outside of the bottle with colorful paper or stickers. When you shake the bottle, the beans or rice will create a fun noise.

Here a bubbling noise in your water bottle 1998 lumina?

i dont no??