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men with cars= phony

men with horses are not phony because horses are practicably people

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Q: What is holden's point about the difference in men owning a car and men owning a horse?
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What is Holden's point about the difference between men owning a car then a horse?

Holden Caulfield is a character in J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye." His point about the difference between men owning a car rather than a horse is that he finds humans to be too materialistic and never content with what they have. He would rather own a horse because at least it's "human."

What is a point to point horse?

A point to point horse is a race horse that runs on the flat.. im Mj_Ox on howrse :)

Where is the point of buttock on a horse?

the point of the horse's buttock is under the flank

What is the point in owning a cat?

The point is so you can hang out with them if you have no one to hang out with. also you can luv them forever.

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The purpose of owning a large commercial smoker would be to boast to your country friends that you have a large commercial smoker. There really is no point of owning one.

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point of parity is the point of parity point of difference is the point of difference good luck

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There are many advantages of owning a secondhand saab. The car is already broke in, any problems that the car is going to have have already happened at that point.

What point on the horse is the height measurement taken?

The point on the horse is the height measurement taken is the withers.

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There is no any such difference between Aniline point and mixed Aniline point . . . . .

A horse's height is measured from the ground to what body part which is actually sort of like its shoulder blade?

A horse's height is measured from the ground to the withers, which is the highest point on the horse's shoulder blades. This measurement is used as a standard way to describe the size of a horse.

What is the difference between an initial point of a vector and a terminal point?

The difference is the length of the vector.

Where is a horse's point of hip?

A horse's point of hip is located at the top of the pelvis, on the side of the horse's body. It is a bony prominence that can be felt and seen on most horse breeds, and is used as a reference point for measuring body conformation and evaluating muscling in the hindquarters.