

Best Answer

"heyXD is an absolutely amazing website where not only can you access your AIM buddy list you can also play games, earn points, watch videos, contribute to forums and so much more. heyXD is a fun and easy way to talk to friends: you can find anyone as long as you know their AIM screen name however it is very safe because no one can talk to you unless you accept their buddy request. The site has recently been changed from to to provide a new look and even better features. In addition, you can draw your own virtual smileys as well as purchasing them from other users. You earn points buy Surfing on heyxd, drawing smileys, writing forums,and from people buying your smileys. You can use your points to buy smileys."HeyXD isn't an amazing website. The creators of HeyXD (now coolXD because HeyXd was shut down) steal your personal information like your credit card information and aim password and user name. HeyXD is not backed up by AIM so putting your password in isn't safe. After the creators of heyXD get your password and screen name they log back onto you and put your away message as on HeyXD. The creators send out emails to your friends saying JOIN HEYXD!! (your screen name) has invited you to join them on HeyXD. HeyXD has CARSHED peoples computers. OmgXD/HeyXD/CoolXD is NOT SAFE

  1. COOLXD IS NOT A SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Everyone thinks that but is is not
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Is heyxd safe?

It's a Phishing site, they take your AIM information and use it to spam you and your friends! They can get into your account and hack you. They also give you a terrible virus. Don't use HeyxD! You have been warned.

How do you get rid of coins on heyxd?

buy smileys with them! you should buy some of mine! my name is iroshamrox! wats urs?

This is your review for is really good. It's like Aim but better. You can talk to friends and play games. You can even watch youtube videos. You can watch episodes and listen to awesome music. HeyXD is the best!

How do you request a smiley on heyxd?'s pretty easy! Just click "coins and points", then click "request Your own custom smiley." This button is right above the recent Premium(coins) smiley requests, and right below the friend requests and the "Get More coins" thing! Hope this helps!

How do you do cheats on smileys?

yes I do but only one and that is "shift then " ALSO, if u press the "<" button, ur color will get lighter and transparent. U can keep pressing that until it reached the highest transparency. To get back to the normal color, keep pressing the ">" key. Hope this helps! BTW, my heyxd username is: Aish..or tropicalpunchas add me as a friend! bye!

How do you make straight lines for a smiley on heyxd?

1. u haveto go ont o the klike smiley page 2. u act normal 3. u click as if ur gonna do a reg line 4. u click both a left and right click 5. drag it along the thignie 8. let go

How do you get AOL on your phone?

Well if you have an aim, kol (aol for kids) or heyxd you should have an account. To make one- 1. Go on and click get a screen name. 2. Fill out the information they asked. 3. and you should have your own account! If it won't let you see the page then- 1. Go on 2. Click sign in at top right of page 3. If you see where it says-"Click here to get a FREE screen name that gives you....." Click that and fill out the information it asks you. 4. Finish and now you should have your own account. P.S.- If you are NOT 13 and older you will have to fill out more information and pay.