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"Gay" behaviour is usually the same as being camp.

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Q: What is gay behaviour?
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Is it gay to watch lifetime movies if you are a guy?

There is no such thing as a behaviour which is "gay", so no.

Why is it gay to have an urge to see a penis?

It is not definitely gay behaviour. It could be simple curiousity.

Is Roc Royal from Mindless Behaviour gay?

HEck No, hes a metrosexual !!

What do you call abusive behaviour towards gay people?

Abusive behavior that specifically targets gay people is called homophobia.

What is called unacceptable abusive behaviour towards gay and lesbian?

This is called homophobia.

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What is gay and lesbian studies?

Gay and Lesbian studies is the study of the behaviour, origin, history and nature of all things relating to homosexuals.

Is it possible to have the same behaviour of a 'gay boy' but be female and attracted to girls?

You mean acting like a "gay boy" and be a Lesbian? Sure. There is no typical "gay boy" or Lesbian manner.

What are the behavior of gay person boys?

The behaviour of a gay person or boy can vary from person to person. A person's sexual preference doesn't dictate the type of personality they have or will have as an adult.

Were the people murdered in the 'Night of the Long Knives' gay?

Certainly Ernst Roehm was: It was the openness of his behaviour which assured his demise.

Should you have gay sex on a first date?

The choice is yours, but such is dangerous behaviour, and dangerous behavior results in serious consequences.

Why is homosexuality deemed to be deviant?

Because it is not natural for this type of behaviour in the eyes of the majority ! Man and woman can create life but gay's can't.