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a tubectomy or vasectomy that stops a mans potential for fertilization

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Q: What is family planning operation?
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What is vacectomy and tubectomy?

Vasectomy is the family planning operation done on men. men vasdifferentia is cut and tied so that the sperm will not come out ..Tubectomy is family planning operation done on women. womens fallopian tubes are tied so that mens sperm will not enter her fallopian tubes

What are the types of joint operation planning?

Deliberate planning and crisis action planning

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the answer to the origin of family planning in nigeria the answer to the origin of family planning in nigeria

What are the two types of joint operation planning?

Deliberate planning and crisis action planning

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security cooperation planning, joint operation planning, and force planning

How many categories in Joint Operation Planning?

2 (deliberate planning/crisis action planning)

How many categories are in joint operation planning?

2 (deliberate planning/crisis action planning)

You want to read the book operation Planning and control written by Arch R Dooley?

I will like to read material on operation planning and control

joint operation planning blends two complementary processes what are they?

Joint operation planning process and operational design are blended together in this process.

When should Planning for stability operations begin?

when joint operation planning is initiated

What are the five major categories of operations planning?

The five major categories of operation planning are: capacity planning, location planning, layout planning, quality planning, and methods planning.

Which is not a key planning item associated with the initial step of the planning process?

Operation Sustainability