FPPW=Number of the false alarms/ The number of testing negative examples
you can have a false negative but NOT a false positive
A list of things about as long as your arm. Included are such benign drugs as advil, aleve, Motrin, Bayer Select Pain Relief Formula...basically, go to the pain reliever shelf in the drugstore. Everything on it except aspirin and Tylenol will throw a false positive on a marijuana screen. However, the tests have been refined to recognize these items, and they are ignored. The labs know what to look for. If there is any question, the sample can be reevaluated using more complex methods.Additional InformationAccording to Ask Doc Web, the following substances have been known to generate false positives for THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) or marijuana.Advil - false positive for THC, MarijuanaAleve - false positive for THC, MarijuanaAnaprox - false positive for THC, MarijuanaAnsaid - false positive for marijuanaApo-Naproxen - false positive for THC, MarijuanaAtripla - false positive for cannabinoid THCB2 vitamin - false positive for THCBayer Select Pain Relief Formula - false positive for THC, MarijuanaClinoril - false positive for THC, MarijuanaCramp End Tablets - false positive for THC, MarijuanaDiabetes - false positives for Amphetamines, Cocaine, THC, Ecstasy, Meth and OpiatesDolobid - false positive for THC, MarijuanaDronabinol (Marinol) - false positives for THCEdecrin - false positive for THC, MarijuanaEfavirenz - false positive for THC, MarijuanaFeldene - false positives for THCFenoprofin - false positive for Marijuana, Amphetamines, BarbituratesFlurbiprofen - false positive for marijuanaGenpril - false positive for THC, MarijuanaHaltran - false positive for THC, MarijuanaHempseed Oil - false positive for THCIbuprin - false positive for marijuanaIbuprofen - false positive for Marijuana (THC)Ifenoprofen - false positive for THC, MarijuanaIndocin - false positive for THC, MarijuanaKetoprofen - false positive for THCKidney infection - false positive for Amphetamines, THC, Ecstasy, and OpiatesLiver Disease - false positive for Opiates, Ecstasy, THC and AmphetaminesMarinol® false positive for Marijuana (THC)Meclomen - false positive for THC, MarijuanaMediprim - false positive for marijuanaMedipren - false positive for THC, MarijuanaMidol - false positive for THC, MarijuanaMotrin - false positive for THC, MarijuanaNalfon - false positive for Marijuana, Amphetamines, Barbituates, Benzodiazephines, MethaqualoneNaprosyn - false positive for THC, MarijuanaNaproxen (Aleve) - false positive for THC, MarijuanaNavonaprox - false positive for THC, MarijuanaNSAIDS - false positive for THC, MarijuanaNuprin - false positive for THCOrudis KT - false positives for THCOxaprozin - false positive for THC, Marijuana, BenzodiazepinesPamprin® - false positive for THC, MarijuanaPantoprazole - false positive for THCPhenergan® - false positive for THC, MethadonePrescription NSAIDSPromethazine - false positive for THCPromethegan - false positive for THCProton pump inhibitors - false positive for THCProtonix - false positive for THCRelafen - false positive for MarijuanaRiboflavin (vitamin B2) - false positive for THCRufin - false positive for THC, MarijuanaSustiva (Efanirenz) - false positive for THC or MarijuanaTolectin® - false positive for THC, MarijuanaVoltaren - false positive for THC, MarijuanaIt appears that both prescription and over-the-counter NSAIDS (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), such as Advil®, Aleve®, Motrin®, Tylenol®, Pamprin®, Midol®, etc. have all been known to generate false positives for marijuana on drug screens.Additionally, some medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney infection, and liver disease may result in a false positive.
False positive for methadone
False positive for methadone
False positive for methadone
Positive = You really did it. False Positive = The test said you did it, but you really did not.
What is false positive in widal test
will buspirone cause a false positive for benzodiazipies
Depending on the test, there is about a 5% chance she is right and 95% chance she is not telling the truth.The rates of false negative and false positive chlamydia tests for various types of tests are as follows (see related link):Chlamydia culture (rarely done): 0% false positive, 15-30% false negative.Swab with DFA: less than 1% false positive; 15-20% false negativeBecton-Dickinson NAAT cervical swab: 1.9% false positive, 10.3% false negativeBecton-Dickinson NAAT female urine: 1% false positive; 19.5% false negativeBecton-Dickinson NAAT male urine: 1.6% false positive 5.5% false negativeGen Probe NAAT cervical swab: 1.9% false positive; 5.8% false negativeGen Probe NAAT vaginal swab (e.g. self administered): 1.6% false positive; 3.3% false negativeGen Probe NAAT female urine: 1.1% false positive; 5.3% false negativeGen Probe NAAT male urine: 0.9% false positive; 3% false negativeIt is possible to test positive for chlamydia but be negative.Less than 2% false positive with chlamydia test.
I don't know that you can make it read a false positive, but sometimes it just happens to read as a false positive.
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