Essential fat is stored in small amounts in the bone marrow, organs, the central nervous system and muscles and is necessary for healthy functioning of the body. .
it is needed to form reb blood cells... esential component of haem molecule
The correct spelling is "essential".
Tea tree, Lavender, Eucalyptus.
If you had no body fat, you would die. Everybody has (and needs!) body fat.
You should consider your fat tissues as your body fat.
Lean Body Fat
The body stores fat to save energy for when the body needs it. It also uses fat to regulate the body temperature.
I think it's fat in your body
the fat in your body is used for protiene
Body composition refers to the proportion of fat and fat-free mass in the body. Those with a higher proportion of fat-free mass to a lower proportion of body fat have a healthy body composition.
If you aren't eating, your body will eat the muscle fat before it eats the body fat. Don't try to not eat for the purpose of losing weight. You won't lose the body fat, and you will become very unhealthy.
no, a fat soluble vitamin is stored by the body in fat.