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Still born means to be born dead, or without a beating heart

they can shock you back to life

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Q: What is does stillborn litter mean?
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Would your cat still be pregnant after having a stillborn?

Yes, it is possible. A stillborn does not mean the entire litter will be. It is especially common in a cat's first litter for there to be one or more that didn't make it.

What is the largest litter of kittens on record how many survived?

A Burmese/Siamese gave birth to 19. 4 were stillborn, however.

What does swedish word dodfott mean?

Dödfött = stillborn.

What does stillborn mean?

Stillborn is a baby from 24 weeks that is born but was not alive at birth. Before 24 weeks it is called a miscarriage.A stillborn, unfortunately, is a baby that has died before birth while still in the womb, and when the baby is extracted from the mother, they call the baby a stillborn.

When was Stillborn Climax created?

Stillborn Climax was created in 1998.

What plants can be used around a pool that doesn't have litter?

Doesn't have a LITTER? What is that. What does that mean? Start over with your question. Doesn't have a LITTER? What is that. What does that mean? Start over with your question.

What mean litter?

litter is the garbe and debris you throw on the floor that affects the ecosystem in a bad way.

Was randy Jackson twin stillborn?

Randy didn't have a twin, Marlon did and yes he was stillborn.

What are the release dates for Stillborn - 2006?

Stillborn - 2006 was released on: USA: May 2006

What is the ASL sign for stillborn?

For the sign for stillborn, click here.

What actors and actresses appeared in Stillborn - 2006?

The cast of Stillborn - 2006 includes: Evan True

Do cows eat stillborn?

No. Cows are herbivores, not carnivores, so they don't eat stillborn young.