Networking is a basic action. A servlet in Java is a single part of networking, a single task.
They are two different elements composed of two different types of atom. They have different chemical and physical properties.
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i have no answer
They are different versions. Java 5 is newer than Java 2. Think of it like the difference between the Playstation 1 and the Playstation 3.
Windows is an operating system whereas Java is a programming language. They are entirely different.
No, Java bytecode, just like the source code, is universal. The only parts that changes between different architectures are the Java Runtime Environment and its sub-components (such as the Java Virtual Machine).
The difference between 'a' and "a" anywhere in Java is that 'a' is a primitive char type, while "a" is a String object.
Yes!Visual Java plus plus and Java Builder is different from the Java language?
Classes are well organised functions in java which help discriminate between two different functions.
Core Java and J2SE are the same thing, which is the set of classes to be found in the rt.jar package. The classes were just given different names at different stages of the continued revisions to the Java Runtime Environment.
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Android is an Operating System that runs on specific devices and controls those devices' functions. Java is a general programming language that can run on many different devices (computers, phones, tablets, and so on), one of which is Android. Thus, the comparison of the two are that they are completely different, with the only relation between the two is that Android runs Java programs.
JavaScript and java are 2 completely different things. JavaScript is in web pages to make it more interesting and java is a complex computing language devised from c + c++.
for arrays you can list the different arrays and what attributes that you give to them.
It would be harder to describe the similarity between JavaScript and XML. These two languages are for entirely different purposes.