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Generalization refers to the spread of effects (perhaps from a treatment, or intervention). Stimulus generalization occurs when the same response occurs but under a different, setting, condition, or for a different therapist or parent perhaps (i.e., different stimuli). Response generalization occurs when the individual emits a different response which serves the same function as previously reinforced responses, the setting (i.e., stimulus) remains unaltered. For instance a friend might teach you how to do the Konami code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left right, b, a, start) on an old Nintendo controller. Later you perform the code on the same game (same stimulus conditions) but using joystick controller.

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Q: What is differences of response generalization and stimulus generalization?
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Stimulus Generalization. For Example: A child that has been attacked by a dog becomes frightened by small animals.

What is generalizing response?

Also called stimulus generalization. the act or process of responding to a stimulus similar to but distinct from the conditioned stimulus.Also called response generalization. the act or process of making a different but similar response to the same stimulus.Also called mediated generalization. the act or process of responding to a stimulus not physically similar to the conditioned stimulus and not previously encountered in conditioning.(fosfatidilserina)the act or process of perceiving similarity or relation between different stimuli, as between words, colors, sounds, lights, concepts or feelings; the formation of a general notion.

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Stimulus Generalization

Proponent of stimulus-response psychology?

the expression S-R is used to symbolize the deterministic relationship of stimulation "S" standing for stimulus, and "R" standing for response, thus meaning that a stimulus arouses a response or a response is aroused by a stimulus. most of the time a third element is added to the formula to make it more comprehensive "O". that is the organism or individual differences.

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Stimulus Generalization-

How did little Albert's response become generalized?

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Stimulus Generalization

What are the 5 conditioning processes identified by Pavlov?

acquisition, extinction, stimulus discrimination and stimulus generalization

What is the difference stimulus and response?

Stimulus is a reason, and response is the respose to that

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An organism reacts to a stimulus with a response.