The breech simply refers to the end of the barrel which you insert the cartridge into, which is the opposite end of the muzzle. The chamber is the actual area which the cartridge is inserted into.
A revolver has a rotating chamber that houses the bullets a pistol has a "clip" or "magazine"
.380 ACP is 9x17mm, while the 9mm Parabellum/Luger is 9x19mm. Additionally, the 9x19 uses heavier projectiles, and also generates higher chamber pressure, necessitating a locked breech pistol, whereas most .380/9x17 pistols use an unlocked breech.
The rear of the barrel IS the chamber.
The Model 122 is a .22 caliber pellet pistol, not a BB or .177 caliber pistol. Pump up the pistol, Not more than 10 pumps. Open the breech by turning the knob at the rear. Pull it all the way back. Load the .22 pellet in the breech. The skirt faces the rear. Close the breech. Rotate the knob to lock it in place. Aim, release the safety and fire.
It's usually on the breech or the very back of the pistol.
A pistol by loading ammunition into the chamber. The firing the pin then strikes the cartridge, which causes the pistol to discharge.
It's OKAY to dry fire a C02 pistol but do not dry fire a spring or pump pistol or rifle. When the piston in a spring pistol compresses the air inside the chamber to fire the pellet is actually slows down as it decompresses the spring piston just before it fires the pellet out of the chamber. This slowing down Keeps the piston from slamming against the end of the chamber and ruining it. When there is no pellet in the chamber the piston has no resistance and slams against the end of the chamber. This will eventually destroy the piston and the air chamber.
Depends on the condition of the pistol and when it was made. Those Llama .380 pistols made before 1975 or so use a locked breech. Those made afterwards use a simple blowback system. A locked breech may bring in more money. Such a pistol, in good condition can run $250--$450.
Don't attempt this. Using ammo other than what the firearm is designed for is extremely dangerous, and may result in injury or even death to the firer. Especially in this case, where you're talking about using an entirely separate class of ammo than what the pistol was designed for. The 9x17/.380 ACP is a lower powered round, designed to be used in an unlocked breech pistol. The 9x19/9mm Luger/9mm Parabellum generates significantly more pressure - too much to be used in an unlocked breech pistol. Even if you can get it to chamber, you run a serious risk of catastrophic failure.
A pistol which automatically loads the next round into the chamber for firing after the previous round is fired.
A pellet clip is the same as a bullet clip except for pellets. It fits in the breech of a pistol or rifle and holds the pellets that are waiting to be fired. Some clips are in the handle of the pistol.
Very generally speaking, a revolver has a revolving cylinder that rotates in order to bring a new round in line with the barrel. A pistol has a single chamber, and fresh rounds are fed into the chamber from a magazine. That is the more recent and slang use of those words. Revolvers and magazine fed semi-automatics are both pistols.