A seamstress is just someone who can sew seams but doesn't know how to make a custom piece, like a blouse, from scratch, or how to fit clothes onto a real body.
A dressmaker is a person who can make custom clothing for women, such as a blouse or a skirt, or even an evening dress.
There is no gender for the noun dressmaker or for the person who is a dressmaker, a dressmaker can be a male or a female.
The opposite of a dressmaker is a tailor. A tailor alters men's clothing while a dressmaker alters women's clothing.
girl dressmaker called "Tailor".
Traditionally you would call them a Tailor. The female equivalent of this is a seamstress or dressmaker.
The nouns 'dressmaker' and 'tailor' are common gender nouns. The noun 'dressmaker' is a word for a person who makes women's wear. The noun 'tailor' is word for a person who tailors men's and women's wear. There are a number of other terms in the clothing industry such as modiste, custom clothier, designers, pattern makers, etc. All of which are common gender nouns.
A dressmaker is a person who is a seamtresshe or she or he can fix clothing and makes clothing.
A similar occupation to a dressmaker, in the pioneer times, would be a tailor. If the clothing was to be made from leather, a tanner would usually be the one to complete the work.
Skinny tailor: Slim seamstress, Lean dressmaker.
clothier, costumier, couturier, dressmaker, garment maker, needle worker, outfitter, suit maker
Il sarto is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the tailor." The masculine singular definite article and noun also translate as "dressmaker." The pronunciation will be "eel SAR-to" in Italian.
"Sow" means to plant a crop, so a farmer. If you mean "sew," than either a seamstress, a dressmaker, a tailor, etc.
itx seamstress