A Nagar Panchayat is a type of urbanized Indian political unit that has more than 11,000 but less than 25,000 people in it. A Gram Panchayat is a type of Indian self-government lead by an elected Sarpanch.
they are different by they are in village and they are in towns
they are different by they are in village and they are in towns
1)The gram sabha make the gram panchayat. 2)The work of the gram panchayat has to be approped by the gram sabha.
1)The gram sabha make the gram panchayat. 2)The work of the gram panchayat has to be approped by the gram sabha.
There is no difference between a gram panchayat and a village panchayat. A gram panchayat is a self-government institution at small town level or village in India. It has an elected head called a sarpanch.
gram panchayat is the panchayat at the village level
Gram sevak
gram panchayat
Gram Panchayat is a local government that deals with issues at a local level.
every member 18 years of age in a village votes for the gram panchayat
The head of a gram panchayat is called the Sarpanch. They are elected by the members of the gram panchayat to lead and represent the local community in the decision-making process.