"Maternal" is of or pertaining to the mother, "paternal" is of or pertaining to the father.
Paternal is related to the father while maternal is related to the mother. Example: Your maternal parent is your mother and your paternal parent is your father.
A maternal DNA test compares the DNA of a child to that of their mother, while a paternal DNA test compares the child's DNA to that of their father. This helps determine biological relationships between individuals.
Maternal refers to your mother and paternal to your father. My maternal grandmother lives in Scotland, but my paternal grandmother lives just down the street.
Paternal is related to the father while maternal is related to the mother. Example: Your maternal parent is your mother and your paternal parent is your father.
Maternal relatives are those people who are related to you through your mother's family. They include your mother's grandparents, parents and siblings, and the sibling's children (your cousins). Paternal relatives are those people who are related to you through your father's family. They include your father's grandparents, parents and siblings, and the siblings children (your cousins).
Maternal means from your mother's side and paternal means from your father's side...So, maternal grandma = your mother's motherpaternal grandma = your father's mother,maternal uncle = your mother's brother,paternal uncle=your father's uncle,
Maternal refers to mother. Paternal refers to father. So the maternal mother would be the mothers mother and the paternal mother would be the fathers mother.
The male side is the paternal side and the female side is the maternal side.
Your maternal grandmother is the mother of your mother. Similarly your paternal grandmother is the mother of your father, paternal grandfather is father of your father and maternal grandfather is father of your mother.
maternal grandparents are your mothers parents therfore you must distinguish them from your paternal grandparents which are your fathers parents or things would get all mixed up. you would be saying your moms dad is your dads dad and things would get to seem like incest.
The opposite gender is "paternal."