Labor power refers to the power vested on the labor union by the constitution while labor refers to the productive work that is done for wages.
difference between labor law and social legislation
what is the difference between slave labor and free labor
Abraham Lincoln thought the difference was only that wage labor was temporary and slavery was permanent.
moarginal product of labor
Labor intensive agriculture means it primarily uses physical labor of humans. Machinery intensive agriculture means it primarily uses the power of machinery to do labor, instead of or along with human beings doing the work.
Labor cost variance means the difference between standard labor cost and actual labor cost.
What the difference between process piping and power piping?
none - labour is the British spelling of the American word, labor, as is harbour, rumour, neighbour, honour and colour.
The primary difference between product markets and factor markets is that factors of production like labor and capital are part of factor markets and product markets are markets for goods.
There is a difference between semi-skilled labor and unskilled labor. Semi-skilled labor requires some training. Unskilled labor does not require the same type of training.
The difference is in the output frequency.
Brake power is stopping power and horsepower is go power.