Many hardwoods are evergreen, which means they don't lose all their leaves in winter. Many softwoods, such as pines and conifers, are deciduous, which means they lose all their leaves in winter.
Hardwoods usually came from angiosperm tress while softwoods came from gymnosperm tress. Both of these woods are very useful and have their own unique characteristics. Most timber came from softwoods as it is cheaper than hardwoods. However, if you're looking for quality and long lasting material, hardwood is the perfect choice. It is also easier to produce softwoods than hardwoods since it grows faster than the other. Common and useful examples of softwoods are cedar and pine while hardwoods are oak beam and mahogany.
What are the propertiesof Hardwoods? Hardwoods are deciduous and loose their leaves in winter. They are harder than softwoods except Balsa wood. They are a Broadleaved trees which belong to the 'Angiospermae' or flowering plant such as fruits or seeds. They are usually found in more temperate zones. They are generally more durable than softwoods and have a wider range of colour than softwoods. They are more expensive than softwoods and are used for veneers on products, for furniture, for flooring and utensils.
What are the propertiesof Hardwoods? Hardwoods are deciduous and loose their leaves in winter. They are harder than softwoods except Balsa wood. They are a Broadleaved trees which belong to the 'Angiospermae' or flowering plant such as fruits or seeds. They are usually found in more temperate zones. They are generally more durable than softwoods and have a wider range of colour than softwoods. They are more expensive than softwoods and are used for veneers on products, for furniture, for flooring and utensils.
It comes from deciduous trees and therefore loses its leaves in the winter and the trees are typically broadleafed. Hardwoods are typically denser and grow slower than softwoods, and usually have an open grain--like oak and ash, but can be closed grain-like maple and poplar. Hardwoods are typically not a knotty as softwoods, so have straighter, cleaner grain patterns. There are exceptions of course. Both balsa and English brown oak are considered hardwoods and both are soft enough to damage with bare hands.
Oak, maple, hickory, ash, red gum (eucalyptus) and (believe it or not) balsa are hardwoods. Pine, spruce, fir, larch, and cypress are softwoods
Softwoods come from coniferous (cone-bearing) trees. So Balsa wood, the least dense of woods, which is a deciduous tree, (it DECIDES to drop leaves each winter) is technically a hardwood. Softwoods are generally very porous, and sand, or finish, easily. Sometimes TOO easily. They also soak up stain or paint quickly. GENERALLY speaking, they are lighter than hardwoods.
a Texas winter and a New York winter :D
Oak is one of the hardest woods known. Oak is prized for its hardness and durability. Softwoods include firs and pines. Both hardwoods and softwoods grow in forests in the earth's temperate zone. Most hardwoods are deciduous trees.
oak and balsa are hardwoods even though balsa is very soft
not sure