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A functional group works

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Q: What is difference between functional group and molecules?
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What is in a molecule influences the way that molecule reacts?

Functional groups are responsible for chemical reactions of molecules.

What functional group are found in cholesterol molecules?


Do molecules have just one functional group or can they have more than one?

Molecules are able to have multiple functional groups. For example, an amino acid contains both the amino group -NH2 and carboxyl group -COOH.

What is a functional group and what effect do they have on the molecules they are attached to?

the functional group is a group of atoms reponsible for the characteristics reactions of a particular compound. Also NWA

What is the difference between acids and carboxylic acids?

Carboxylic acids are a type of acids which also has a -COOH functional group.

A group of atoms within a molecule that interacts in predictable ways with other molecules is called a?

A functional group is a group of atoms within a molecule that interacts with other molecules

What role does the functional group play in the molecules in which they are found?

They influence the characteristics of the molecule.

What parts of organic molecules contain oxygen nitrogen and phosphorus?

Functional Group

What functional group do bases have?

OH- molecules which is hydroxide NaOH MgOH you know

Functional groups are a group of molecules attached to a carbon-based core of an organic molecule. Key functional groups are .?

Aminos, phosphates, and carbonyls.

What does functional group mean when applied to organic molecules?

A group of atoms responsible for the characteristic behavior of the class of compounds in which the group occurs, as the hydroxyl group in alcohols.

What is the difference between positional isomerism and functional isomerism?

structural isomer explain the change in the arrangement of atoms around carbon atom even normal or iso-structure. But the functional isomer show the change in the functional group of compounds