Functional grammer is rule governed behaviour . And knowing the language . Formal grammer is formal learning and knowing about the language.
Formal regions are areas defined by boundaries such as political or administrative divisions, while functional regions are based on a specific function or activity that ties the area together, like a transportation network or economic system. Formal regions have clear boundaries, while functional regions are more about the connections and interactions within the area.
Written grammar typically follows more formal rules and conventions compared to spoken grammar. Spoken grammar tends to be more relaxed and may include slang, contractions, and incomplete sentences. Written grammar also often includes punctuation and sentence structure that may differ from how people naturally speak.
Practical grammar focuses on how language is actually used in everyday communication, emphasizing spoken language and common structures. Theoretical grammar, on the other hand, is concerned with analyzing language structure and rules in a more abstract and formal manner, often for scholarly or pedagogical purposes.
Fuctional and formal
Colloquial English is informal and conversational, often using slang and contractions, while formal English is more structured and appropriate for professional or academic settings. Colloquial English may include regional dialects and casual language, while formal English adheres to grammar rules and avoids using slang.
A formal region is defined by a common characteristic or criteria, such as language, religion, or government. A functional region is based on interactions and connections, like a transportation network or economic trade area. Formal regions are static, while functional regions are dynamic and can change based on specific activities or functions.
difference between formal organization structure and informal organization structure.
Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people that is often informal, using everyday language and expressions. Formal speech, on the other hand, is a prepared and structured presentation where language is more polished, with proper grammar and vocabulary.
formal is cold hard facts and perceptual is opinion. functional is based on a focal point like chicago for example; if you live nearby and work there, when you go out of town and someone asks where your from, you would answer "chicago".
Aral sea in Kazakhstan is a formal functional region
A business letter is the most formal type of functional writing.
formal and informal rhythm