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Useful definitions:

  • Dextro: Right
  • Laevo: Left
  • Enantiomer: mirror form of a molecule
  • Chiral: a molecule lacking an internal plane of symmetry that can be found in two non-superimposable mirror forms.

The mirror images of a chiral molecule are known as enantiomers, one will be designated Dextro (D-) and the other Laevo (L-).

This behaviour is exhibited by organic molecules containing an asymmetric Carbon atom e.g. D-Glucose, L-Cysteine, etc, enzymes are chiral and tend to selectively catalyse a single enantiomer.

Chiral molecules that are optically active will rotate plane polarised light passing through them, l- enantiomers will rotate the polarisation to the Left, d- enantiomers will rotate it to the Right.

Note the capitalisation L/D refers to the stereochemistry of the molecule relative to that of Glyceraldehyde - l/d tells you which way the polarisation will be rotated. The IUPAC discourages the use of l/d notation as it can be confusing +/- is prefered.

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Q: What is difference between dextro and laevo rotation?
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