A skin specialist is a dermatologist if he holds a professional medical degree.
A dermatologist is definitely a skin specialist.
A skin specialist is a dermatologist if he holds a professional medical degree. A dermatologist is definitely a skin specialist.
A skin specialist is a dermatologist if he holds a professional medical degree. A dermatologist is definitely a skin specialist.
Dermatologists work with top layer of the entire body - the skin.
The difference between a wound and an injury is that, when injured the skin is torn while a wound is what is formed after the skin is torn.
Intradermal is between layers of the skin. Subcutaneous is beneath the skin.
The difference is a toad's skin is brown, bumpy and warty, while a frog's skin is green, slimy and smooth.
the difference is that a pelt is like a fur and a skin has little fur. a pelt can also be worn.
A skin specialist is a "dermatologist".
leather starts with L and skin starts with S thats the difference
Women tend to have softer skin than men.
the difference between this is that surface area